Treatment of Scoliosis

My treatment of kyphosis and scoliosis amenable to up to third degree, even with significant chest deformation and the presence of torsion spine. If we speak in common language, it is usually quite rapid and dramatic change of tone of superficial and deep muscles of the back, which also returns the spine, ribs and shoulder blades in a natural, normal position. The patient feels that he "pulled" back. These feelings are very strong, the strength and quality of response allows me to adjust the amount of exposure. After 2-3 sessions can be seen as pathologically altered muscles gradually returned to normal. On the side where the abnormal muscle tone was elevated, leaving what is colloquially called "muscular ridges," and in those places where the tone was reduced, and the muscles as if it were not, they begin to appear. With the decrease of the angle of scoliosis and rotation of the vertebrae is reduced. Changes occur gradually, usually in this order: first the blade, and thoracic spine, then lower back, and then the pelvic region. Of course, all these changes are possible when there is congenital wedge vertebra and severe dysplastic disorders.
See photos of some of my patients. All photos can be increased by clicking on them.
3 degrees of scoliosis before and after treatment (age 15 years, 40 sessions over 60 days)
Photo patient before treatment (C-shaped scoliosis of 3 degrees, 40 degrees) and after treatment (2 degree, 20 degrees)
Reducing the angle of scoliosis seen in these two pictures, even with the naked eye. Topographical studies show changes in the angle of curvature of the spine from 40 to 20 degrees. And it is only 2 months of classes! Experts from the St. Petersburg Institute of im.Albrehta who treat scoliosis by supporting corsets, believe that wearing a corset achieves this result only after 4 years.
2 degrees of scoliosis before and after treatment (age 26 years, 12 sessions over 15 days)
Photo patient before treatment (S-shaped scoliosis of 2-3 degrees, 28 degrees) and after treatment (13 degrees)
In the case of the classical S-shaped scoliosis was achieved in an even shorter period of time: the angle of scoliosis was reduced from 28 degrees to 13 degrees for 2 weeks.
2 degrees of scoliosis before and after treatment (age 44 years, 25 sessions for 45 days)
Photo patients with scoliosis 2 degrees before and after treatment
Given the age of the patient (44 years), traditional medicine is unlikely to offer in this case an intelligible decision, since no corsets, no other classical treatment can no longer change the shape of the spine. However, visible in the photographs is a clear positive trend. Thus, my method gives unprecedented performance results in the treatment of scoliosis is not only children but also adults.
Scoliosis grade 4 at baseline, one month and one year later
Photo patients with scoliosis of grade 4 before and after treatment
This patient (age 28 years, 4 degree of scoliosis) took 2 courses of therapy. The first picture was taken before the session, the second - a month after the first course, the third - a year after the second course sessions. During the year the growth of the patient increased by 3.5 cm
To consolidate the results, I recommend that my patients range of therapeutic exercises, including dynamic and static exercise, partly borrowed from yoga and eastern practices. Generally speaking, the developed musculature is of great help in treatment, because hold the spine in the correct position and correction of its form by the muscles.
Especially effective assistance I can provide patients with high angles of curvature of the spine. In such cases, traditional medicine offers surgery. My method eliminates not only the operation but does not require a hospital stay. The treatment is usually 15 - 30 sessions, depending on the angle of scoliosis, the patient's age, degree of development of the musculoskeletal system and other factors. For patients at high angles of scoliosis course must be repeated two or three times during the year.
Topographs patients with scoliosis of grade 3
Topogram patients with scoliosis of grade 3 (before treatment) Topogram patients with scoliosis of 2 degrees (after treatment)
Comment. Topographs recorded on the changes of the 20 sessions held during the 3 weeks. A patient with scoliosis of grade 3, the angle of scoliosis on top of the arc prior to treatment - 40 degrees, the angle of scoliosis after treatment - 23 degrees. explanation of topographs , please visit the company METOS - Developer KOMOT method (computer optical topography) and the manufacturer for examination of patients with scoliosis.
The results of thermal studies
Thermal studies of spinal curvature Fig.1 Thermal studies of spinal curvature Fig.2
But they see the physical devices during my sessions. This series of measurements of the surface body temperature of patients with thermal imaging, measurement interval 15 seconds. Blue color shows areas with a low temperature, red - high. Changes in body temperature associated with the redistribution of blood flow during a treatment session.
material presented here and the analysis of the medical services market allow us to conclude that my method of treating scoliosis not only provides high and stable positive results, but the best so far of all the solutions, which offers both formal and traditional medicine.

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