Look at the pictures on this page. You can enlarge the image by clicking on her arm. This is one of my recent patients. In the first photo - scoliosis 2 - 3 degrees, the angle of scoliosis on the main arc of 28 degrees. The second - the same patient after treatment, the angle of 13 degrees of scoliosis, the degree of scoliosis reduced to 1. Patient age 26 years. Between these two images time in two weeks.
Unsophisticated reader will notice the difference in the position of the spine and shoulder blades, but perhaps, think that there are back and tie. A person with scoliosis, especially who had tried many different treatments, says that it is - fiction. After treatment of scoliosis requires a long, hard and dedicated work. Moreover, the age of 26, when skeletal growth has ended. Orthopedic surgeon says: "It's either honest mistake, or fraud."And I understand it. Such was my first reaction to the shots in one of the state medical institutions specializing in the treatment of scoliosis. Only after I was in the presence of doctors spent several treatments with one of their patients, they recognized that these "fantastic" results - a reality.By the way, and now doctors at this clinic - my partners to explore the possibilities of my method.
Currently, the Internet has a huge number of medical sites offering services in the treatment of scoliosis and other spinal disorders. Many of the advertised clinics use a wide arsenal of both traditional and modern methods of therapy and have the most advanced diagnostic facilities. Among the tools found all sorts of dispensary treatment, gravity exercise equipment, spa units, facilities and kineziterapevticheskie defanotrony. Unfortunately, all these sites do not have one - the results of treatment. Although it would seem to be easy: x-ray machine is in each clinic to perform diagnostic procedures in the diagnosis and discharged the patient - doctor's duty. So why do these sites do not have medical images and x-rays given at least from a marketing considerations?
The answer is simple. About 80% of all cases of scoliosis is idiopathic scoliosis accounts for the nature of which has not yet been elucidated. It is hard to beat the disease, wasting the fight is not with the causes and the consequences. Apparently, the results of treatment is not there. I'll note that I mean, first of all, idiopathic scoliosis. For other types of scoliosis, which is known pathogenic factor, the situation is simpler: it is enough to remove the cause (if at all possible) - and the disease will retreat. For idiopathic scoliosis is the whole arsenal of therapeutic decisions can be taken only to physical therapy, (very carefully and dosed), balanced and vitamin-rich food, constant attention to their posture during work and recreation, special mattresses for sleeping and wearing corsets (preferably, Chenault corsets). All of this takes a long time and sustained effort, and wearing a corset just involve physical suffering. However, applying these methods in adolescence and young adulthood can stop the progression of scoliosis, or even slightly lower angle of curvature. Complete cure, or rather the same remarkable results in my practice I have never met.
The essence of my method.
In my work I use a proprietary method, based on the release triggers psychosomatic regulation of body functions. This approach can be attributed to a group of body-oriented psychotherapy.As a result of this self-regulation in the patient begins the redistribution of blood flow and muscle tone that affects the problem areas. In areas of hypertonicity muscular tension is reduced, atonic muscle groups, on the contrary, begin to work. Because of this redistribution is the formation of balanced ligamentous Tmyshechno-corset, which leads to a gradual restoration of form and function of spine. Special exercise, part of the original and partly borrowed from the oriental, the results reinforce and maintain the correct muscles and motor stereotype. Crucial in the treatment given to the use of internal reserves of the body and its mechanisms of self-regulation. This approach allows me to succeed where orthodox medicine can not yet demonstrate satisfactory solutions. Of course, I do not deny the huge amount of knowledge gained in the field of classical medicine clinic, pathogenesis, and research tools, and use a lot from this experience, first of all, the standard methods of diagnosis.
In my work I use a proprietary method, based on the release triggers psychosomatic regulation of body functions. This approach can be attributed to a group of body-oriented psychotherapy.As a result of this self-regulation in the patient begins the redistribution of blood flow and muscle tone that affects the problem areas. In areas of hypertonicity muscular tension is reduced, atonic muscle groups, on the contrary, begin to work. Because of this redistribution is the formation of balanced ligamentous Tmyshechno-corset, which leads to a gradual restoration of form and function of spine. Special exercise, part of the original and partly borrowed from the oriental, the results reinforce and maintain the correct muscles and motor stereotype. Crucial in the treatment given to the use of internal reserves of the body and its mechanisms of self-regulation. This approach allows me to succeed where orthodox medicine can not yet demonstrate satisfactory solutions. Of course, I do not deny the huge amount of knowledge gained in the field of classical medicine clinic, pathogenesis, and research tools, and use a lot from this experience, first of all, the standard methods of diagnosis.
Does every person can cure scoliosis?
If we talk about my method, it yields positive results, defined not only diagnostic tools, but also visually, in about 70% of cases. The success of treatment depends on many factors: body mass, degree of muscle development, the state of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, the degree of scoliosis, and, of course, age. For patients under 25 years old, with an angle of 50 degrees of scoliosis, with no serious organic disorders, the positive effect is practically guaranteed. For half of these patients can be in a single course of treatment to reduce the angle of scoliosis in half.
If we talk about my method, it yields positive results, defined not only diagnostic tools, but also visually, in about 70% of cases. The success of treatment depends on many factors: body mass, degree of muscle development, the state of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, the degree of scoliosis, and, of course, age. For patients under 25 years old, with an angle of 50 degrees of scoliosis, with no serious organic disorders, the positive effect is practically guaranteed. For half of these patients can be in a single course of treatment to reduce the angle of scoliosis in half.
Is it possible to completely get rid of scoliosis?
At the beginning of my treatment by the stunning progress, but more and it goes slower. And in this period is extremely important to continue efforts to continue to carry out the recommended homework, regularly repeating the course. Under these conditions, may be very good results, the most purposeful of my patients could reduce the angle of scoliosis to the natural rate in 3 - 5 degrees. If, after passing a course of treatment and reducing the degree of scoliosis, for example, twice, a man received a resounding success, and the actual physical relief, forget about their illness, gradually cease to do home exercises, forget about the need to repeat the course, the result will be different.
At the beginning of my treatment by the stunning progress, but more and it goes slower. And in this period is extremely important to continue efforts to continue to carry out the recommended homework, regularly repeating the course. Under these conditions, may be very good results, the most purposeful of my patients could reduce the angle of scoliosis to the natural rate in 3 - 5 degrees. If, after passing a course of treatment and reducing the degree of scoliosis, for example, twice, a man received a resounding success, and the actual physical relief, forget about their illness, gradually cease to do home exercises, forget about the need to repeat the course, the result will be different.
What is the duration of treatment?
basic course lasts for a month and consists of 25 - 30 sessions. During this time, as a rule, it is possible to reduce the angle of scoliosis in half, reduce the rotation of the spine, to achieve improvement in the position of the blades and pelvis. To continue a course of treatment must be repeated.
basic course lasts for a month and consists of 25 - 30 sessions. During this time, as a rule, it is possible to reduce the angle of scoliosis in half, reduce the rotation of the spine, to achieve improvement in the position of the blades and pelvis. To continue a course of treatment must be repeated.
Perhaps the treatment of scoliosis in the home?
for my patients - yes. During the treatment I teach the patient methods by which he can continue to work independently with their backs. In addition, I give a set of adapted physical exercises borrowed from Yoga. If a person takes perseverance and has some ability, he can continue training and in my absence.
However, I strongly recommend patients to choose their own method of treatment. Self-treatment for scoliosis can cause deterioration of the patient and cause harm to health. Even the selection of exercises to do physiotherapy, orthopedic specialist. But to perform the recommended exercises have been independently and in a long time.
for my patients - yes. During the treatment I teach the patient methods by which he can continue to work independently with their backs. In addition, I give a set of adapted physical exercises borrowed from Yoga. If a person takes perseverance and has some ability, he can continue training and in my absence.
However, I strongly recommend patients to choose their own method of treatment. Self-treatment for scoliosis can cause deterioration of the patient and cause harm to health. Even the selection of exercises to do physiotherapy, orthopedic specialist. But to perform the recommended exercises have been independently and in a long time.
Is chiropractic treatment?
No, I do not use in their work manual therapy and do not advise their patients to use it. Manual therapy may bring temporary relief, but then the patient returns to the spine to its former state.Moreover, unfounded or insufficiently professional manual treatment can cause substantial harm to the patient with scoliosis.
No, I do not use in their work manual therapy and do not advise their patients to use it. Manual therapy may bring temporary relief, but then the patient returns to the spine to its former state.Moreover, unfounded or insufficiently professional manual treatment can cause substantial harm to the patient with scoliosis.
When else can do without surgery?
I had to work with scoliosis about 60 degrees. At these high angles of scoliosis are already very heavy deformation of the vertebral bodies, joints, chest and pelvis. And yet, in some cases I was able to reduce the angle of curvature, rotation of the vertebrae, reduce the degree of deformation and avoid surgery. Unfortunately, among the patients who turn to me, is too large proportion of those who launched the disease to such an extent that for it no longer come from doctors in usual clinic. Working with such patients is associated with great difficulties, but because each case is individual, and the operation - a last resort, not always leading to success, I try to help even these patients.
I had to work with scoliosis about 60 degrees. At these high angles of scoliosis are already very heavy deformation of the vertebral bodies, joints, chest and pelvis. And yet, in some cases I was able to reduce the angle of curvature, rotation of the vertebrae, reduce the degree of deformation and avoid surgery. Unfortunately, among the patients who turn to me, is too large proportion of those who launched the disease to such an extent that for it no longer come from doctors in usual clinic. Working with such patients is associated with great difficulties, but because each case is individual, and the operation - a last resort, not always leading to success, I try to help even these patients.
Dear parents! (I appeal to parents because scoliosis is often seen in children aged 7 - 11 years.) If your child is diagnosed with "scoliosis", do not hesitate and do not be lazy! Look in an encyclopedia or medical reference book, study the disease, because it will have to deal with you. Consult with various doctors from different schools and trends. When choosing a physician and hospital pay attention not only to the surroundings and the gloss - ask for guarantees of successful treatment. Talk to people who have visited this clinic, find out whether they helped to care. Hardly anything in the world is more important than the health of children for whom we are responsible.
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