Exercises physical therapy for scoliosis

Exercise therapy is assigned at all stages of the disease, but it is most effective when the initial forms of scoliosis. Exercise strengthens muscles of the torso, muscular form. This has a stabilizing effect on the spine, corrects distortion and improves posture. Full range of exercise therapy for scoliosis include gymnastics, massage, correction of the situation, an exercise in the water, the elements of sports (skiing, swimming).

The danger of self-

Important! Selection exercises in a particular form of scoliosis and the individual clinical picture is held very professional. Strongly do not recommend doing it yourself. Striving to achieve significant and rapid correction of curvature in scoliosis, for example, intensive stretching exercises or mobilize the spine, can help compensate for disruption of the process and become a starting point of rapid disease progression.

Symmetric and asymmetric exercises

So far, there is disagreement between the supporters of the symmetric and asymmetric gymnastics. Much depends on the type of scoliosis, its extent, the dynamics of the disease. It should be understood that the exercise therapy as a treatment method, especially, should be directed to the stabilization of the deformation of the spine. Only a small correction of the deformity can be performed by a functional component of the curve. Stable components of curvature of the spine (structural or organic changes in the vertebrae) is not affected corrective exercises.
Independently perform the basic course can only be symmetric simple exercises that are recommended for minor violations of posture, as well as the initial degree of curvature of the spine.
When performing exercises on the symmetric deformation of the spine is minimal impact, greatly reducing the risk of their misuse.
Symmetric exercise is not the same effect on the symmetrical muscles of the trunk, which are unbalanced due to the curvature of the spine. Under the influence of exercise weak muscles are a heavy load, so that they are trained more intensively than strong muscles. The result is a correction of the neuromuscular system, and formed a balanced muscular system.

A set of exercises for scoliosis

This basic package includes the symmetric nature of the corrective exercises that strengthen the muscles of the trunk, pulling the metered spine, producing a correct posture.

The basic rules when performing compound exercises for scoliosis

  1. Dosed physical load and watch the well-being by preventing its degradation. Start with the minimum load, with a gradual increase in her.
  2. Do the exercises at a slow pace, carefully follow the bearing and to see how tense these or other muscle groups.
  3. Eliminate visy-ups and avoid intense activity of spinal traction. Permitted only passive stretching.
  4. Eliminate all the exercises to increase flexibility of the spine, do not perform exercises with elements of the torso along the vertical axis.
  5. Rotate the load for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arm with a load for the leg muscles.


  1. Adopt a good posture by touching the wall or wall bars buttocks, calves and heels. Move away from the wall in 1-2 steps, keeping the correct posture. Breathing without delay.
  2. The initial position (IP) - feet shoulder width apart, arms down. On the count of "1" to raise their hands up inhale, at the expense of "2-3" - to stretch, to "4" - give up, relax - breathe out.Run 4-5 times. Follow maintaining correct posture.
  3. Section IV: feet shoulder width apart, arms down. On the count of 1 to 4 - circular motion apart ago - 4 times, with the arms down, his shoulders straightened. Then perform well at the expense of 1 to 4 circular movement of the shoulders forward - 4 times. The breath of freedom.
  4. Section IV: feet shoulder width apart, hands on his belt. On the count of "1" - bending the knee to the stomach, to the "2" - take a starting position on the "3-4" - execute the same with the other leg. Perform the exercise 4-6 times. back is straight, exercise combined with the phases of respiration.
  5. Section IV: standing, hands at shoulders. At the expense of "1-2" - the slope of the body forward with hands pulling forward (body and hands parallel to the floor, legs straight) - exhale at the expense of "3-4" - take the starting position, inhale. Perform 4-5 times.
  6. Section IV: standing, hands behind his back to the castle. On the count of "1" - allocating the hands back at the expense of "2-5" - holding positions on the "6" - and take. § Back straight, chin lifted, shoulders are reduced, the hands do not touch the pelvis. Perform 3-4 times.
  7. The main stand. On the count of 1 to 4 as you exhale slowly perform squats, arms forward. Back straight, arms straight, palms inward. At the expense of "5.8" accept a starting position, exhale. Perform 4-5 times.
  8. Section IV: standing, hands in front of chest. In the "1-2" - farming hands to the sides, palms up, inhale on the "3-4" - the starting position, exhale. Back straight, arms at shoulder level.Perform 3-4 times.

The main section

  1. Section IV: standing, elbows to the sides, hands at shoulders. On the count of 1 to 4 carry out the rotation elbows (first forward, then back). Movements are performed with a small amplitude, elbow rotation describe a small circle. Pace of implementation - slow. 2.3 redo.
  2. Initial position: standing up. At the expense of "1-2" on the side of the thoracic scoliosis (spinal deformity convexity) omit the shoulder and tap it back to bringing the blade to the center line (the spine), the "3-4" - the starting position. Perform 6 times, not allowing the rotation of the body
  3. Initial position: standing up. At the expense of "1-2" on the opposite side of the thoracic scoliosis shoulder lift and rotate it forward to pulling the shoulder blades back. We make 6 times, not allowing the rotation of the body
  4. "Traction" spine. It's important to master this exercise.
    I. Section: standing. On the inhale stretch the crown of the head up, trying to become taller. This is not to become the "socks" (heels touch the floor) and lift the shoulders up. Inhaling moderate, not the maximum. After reaching a peak of stretching, hold your breath for 5-10 seconds (depending on fitness), and during this time seek to keep up (keep your muscles tense.) You can quite compare themselves with tight string or young rostochkom spring, which stretches toward the sun. Drag, and not imitate traction. Work on the traction should not be stopped for a second. Then exhale and gently remove the tension is gradually relaxed. Begin and end stretching slowly, without jerking.
  5. The exercises lying on your back is intended to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  6. Exercise "scissors".
    I. Section: lying on his back, hands behind your head or along the trunk. Perform horizontal kick their feet crosswise. Mahi is desirable to produce closer to the floor. Pace of implementation - medium. Perform 2-3 sets of 30-40 seconds.
  7. Exercise "bicycle".
    I. Section: lying on his back, hands behind your head or along the trunk. Feet commit motion, simulating cycling. It is important that the angle between the legs and the floor was small.Air performance is average. Perform 2-3 sets of 30-40 seconds.
  8. Section IV: lying on his back, hands behind his head. On the count of "1" - raise the leg to "2" - to separate the sides, at the expense of "3-6" to hold in that position, "7" - to join up and to the "8" - omitted. Shoulders and elbows pressed to the floor, lifting a small corner. Breathing is arbitrary. Perform 6-8 times.
  9. "Traction" spine.
    Exercise carry on his back, with heels are drawn "down", the crown - the "up". We carry 4.3 "traction" for 10-15 seconds.
  10. Resting supine. Diaphragmatic breath. Then turn over on his stomach. The exercises are designed to strengthen different groups of muscles.
  11. Section IV: lying on his stomach, hands at shoulder level, pressed to the floor. At the expense of "1-4" - slide your hands forward along the floor until they straighten and then stretch, the "8.5" - execute curl with palms turning upward, connect the blade at the end of the movement. The chest is pressed against the entire surface of the floor, head up, chin pressed against his neck. Perform 6-8 times.
  12. Lying on his stomach, arms bent. At the expense of "1-2" - to raise his head and shoulders, breath, stand still in this position in the "3-4", at the expense of "5-6" and accept. forth, exhale. Perform the exercise 5-6 times.
  13. Section IV: lying on his stomach, legs straight, his head rests on the back of the palms. Raise the legs and upper body, bending at the waist, arms outstretched, the fulcrum - the stomach. The angle of ascent of hands and feet small. Statically stops in this position for 10-15 seconds. It is advisable not hold your breath. In carrying out this exercise have to take your hips off the floor. Perform 3-4 times.
  14. Exercise "scissors".
    I. Section: lying on his stomach, legs straight, his head rests on the back of the palms. Raise the legs and run skrestnye horizontal kick their feet. In carrying out this exercise have to take your hips off the floor. Air performance is average. Perform 2-3 sets of 30-40 seconds.
  15. Exercise "floating".
    I. Section: lying on his stomach, legs straight, his head rests on the back of the palms. Raise the legs and upper body, bending at the waist, arms outstretched, the fulcrum - the stomach. The angle of ascent of hands and feet small. Hold this position, perform movements that mimic swimming breaststroke: arms forward - the legs to separate the sides, hand in hand - feet together, hands to shoulders, the legs are still together. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.
  16. Section IV: lying on his stomach, arms bent at the elbows, holding dumbbells, feet together. On the count of "1" bit to stretch your head forward and straighten arms forward, lift legs on the "2-3" - bend arms to the shoulders, bend in the thoracic region, the "4" - to its original position. The angle of ascent of hands and feet small. Repeat 6-8 times.
  17. Section IV: lying on his stomach, arms bent, dumbbells in hands, legs parted. To "1" - to raise a body with his hands while pulling on the side of the concavity of thoracic scoliosis up - breath, at the expense of "2-3" - to keep the position, "4" - to its original position - exhale. Perform 4-6 times, keeping the body upright position.
  18. Relax, restore breathing, and turns over on its side.
  19. Section IV: lying on his side, on the side of thoracic scoliosis. Alternately, move the legs straight forward and back. The legs should not touch the floor. Exercise like "scissors." We make it 10-12 times.
  20. Section IV: lying on its side on the side of thoracic scoliosis, legs parted. On the count of "1" to raise his hand to the side of the concavity of the thoracic scoliosis up, inhale on the "2" - the starting position - exhale.
  21. Lie on your left side, under the ankle joints - roller. To "1" - to raise his legs, "2-5" - to hold a pose at the expense of "6" to accept a starting position. Muscles tense, back straight.Perform 4-6 times. Then repeat the exercise on the other side 4-6 times.
  22. Section IV: standing on all fours. On the count of "1" hand on the side of the concavity of the thoracic scoliosis lift and pull forward, "2" - a leg on the side of the concavity of the lumbar scoliosis lift and pull back, "3" - to hold a pose at the "4" - the starting position. Body straight, leg and arm parallel to the floor. Repeat 4-5 times.

The final section

Starting position: standing up.
  1. Walking on his toes, hands up.
  2. Walking on heels, hands behind his back to the castle.
  3. Walking with a high lifting hips and hands forward.
  4. Walking with a "rebounding" legs, hands behind his back.
  5. Starting position: standing at the gym wall.
  6. On the count of "1" - hands up inhale, to the "2" - hands down, exhale.


A set of exercises must be performed daily, at a slow pace. After graduating classes is useful in the rest lying on its side on a padded roller for 15-20 minutes.
In addition to the basic course of exercises doctor should choose for your individual set of exercises with the asymmetric learning methods of their implementation. We deliberately do not give the asymmetrical exercise. Once again, accentuate your attention to the fact that independently develop a set of exercises for themselves and begin to implement them should not, as many movements for scoliosis is contraindicated and can lead to complications.

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