Posture is an indicator of human health and physical development. Good posture - is prevention of osteochondrosis and various back pain.
With proper posture keeps people straight body and head, shoulders slightly lowered and laid back, and chest - go ahead, belly tucked up at the same time.
Spine - the basis of the human skeleton and its impact on the state of posture. The body is supported in an upright position back muscles, neck and torso. The harmonious development of the muscles of the body - a prerequisite for the formation of a beautiful posture.
Physiological curvature of the spine
When a child begins to hold her head up, bend formed bulge forward - cervical lordosis. With increasing load on the spine (when the child begins to walk), there is unspoken curvature of the spine in the thoracic back - thoracic kyphosis, as well as the bending of the lumbar bulge forward - lumbar lordosis.
Thus, when viewed from the side of the spine, marked cervical and lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis and sacral. When viewed from the back of the spine should be straight. In the normal posture bends the spine expressed uniformly.
Types of violations of posture
Abnormal posture is formed due to changes in the state of the muscles and ligaments. It should be noted that incorrect posture is usually not accompanied by changes in the spine.
There are incorrect posture in the frontal plane (parallel to the front of the body surface), sagittal (anteroposterior), and both planes simultaneously.
Scoliotic posture
This curvature of the spine in the frontal plane. For this type of bearing defect characteristic of symmetry breaking between the two halves of the body. The spine is curved, is an arc, which is facing left or right. There is also the asymmetry of the shoulders, shoulder blades and head tilted to one side.
When violations of the lateral curvature of the spine posture is corrected in the supine position and muscle tension, and there is no twisting of the vertebrae around a vertical axis, which is characteristic for scoliosis.
Disorders of posture in the sagittal plane
Such defects of posture associated with an increase or decrease in the physiological curves of the spine.
Round the back, or stoop, associated with increased thoracic kyphosis. The shoulders are raised, the inner edge of the blade behind the chest, and shoulder joints are presented.
Kruglovognutaya spin is characterized by an increase in all the physiological curves of the spine. At the same time raised his shoulders, his head thrust forward, belly hanging down, and even acts.
With a decrease in thoracic kyphosis is observed so-called. flat spin. Marked decrease in the angle of inclination of the pelvis, chest forward biased due to the reduction of kyphosis, the lower part of the stomach protrude.
Ploskovognutaya spin is observed with a decrease in thoracic kyphosis and cervical lordosis flattening. The pelvis is displaced posteriorly, and increased the angle of it. Weakened abdominal muscles and buttocks.
Treatment of postural
For any form of incorrect posture hindered the activity of internal organs develop early damage in the intervertebral discs. In this connection it is necessary to treat the defects of posture, which respond well to correction.
Methods of treating disorders of posture include therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, therapeutic massage, and wearing a posture corrector.
Therapeutic exercise (gymnastics)
LFC - it is an effective method of correcting the defects of posture aimed at strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and spine. A set of exercises develops the doctor, who also sets the dosage of the load, which changes over time. To correct the imbalance of the muscles for stretching exercises include hyperactive muscles and strengthen the feeble. Static exercises are interspersed with dynamic. It creates an intense motor mode in each case, but with the exception of the load on the spine.
Correction of posture
Correction of posture include reklinators, thoracic and thoracolumbar zone offsets. Application reklinators effective for minor violations of posture and weak muscles of the shoulder belt and allow to dissolve and eliminate slouching shoulders, manifested in verhnegrudnom spine. The pectoral girdle (bandages) should be more pronounced in the stoop, as well as violations of posture on the type of scoliosis, which are manifested in the thoracic spine. Thoracolumbar proofreaders combine the effects on the area of thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis - throughout the spinal column. The application is recommended for violations of any degree posture, scoliosis and kyphosis I-II degree. Selection of Posture Corrector performs orthopedic surgeon, taking into account the patient's age and severity of the pathological process.
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