Corsets for the treatment of spinal

Corrective orthopedic corsets are one of the few truly effective methods of conservative treatment of scoliosis. The main purpose of corsets - hold the spine in the correct physiological position and the active correction of deformities.
When scoliosis brace for the spine can be supportive and corrective.
The main objective of maintenance (fixing) corset - unloading the spine. The role of these braces is to prevent diseases of the spine. They are used to improve posture, they are encouraged to wear when the spine is not deformed. They are also used for small angles of curvature of the spine, in adulthood, or after surgery.
The main task of correcting corset - the active correction of deformity. This type of corset worn continuously for six months or longer, to change as the child grows, or at least correct curvature of the spine.

Supporting braces for the spine

There are many different designs supporting corsets, depending on their specific purpose. They are made of different materials: cotton, leather and imitation leather, elastic multi-layer fabric.Corsets have varying degrees of hardness (inside the belt sewed special ribs - elastic plate), which provides a more secure fit. Supporting braces provide dosage fixation and handling of certain parts of the spine: clavicular corset, corset for fixing blades, orthopedic reklinators for unloading the lumbar and thoracolumbar, bearing correctors.
Wearing a supportive brace strengthens the back muscles, relieve pain, reduce the load on the spine with age-related changes. The wearing of corsets shown to persons whose activity is associated with high physical activity (longshoremen, athletes).
All the supporting bearing correctors produced by specialized companies.
Reklinators to correct posture


Reklinators - a flexible posture correctors, resulting in the correct position of the shoulder girdle. They represent a figure-eight bandage that covers the hinges from the front shoulder joints. Wearing reklinators can dissolve and reduce slouching shoulders verhnegrudnogo spine.
Reklinators used to generate the correct posture in children and adults with iperkifozah ("round back") and kyphoscoliosis initial stages, to prevent progression of spinal curvature.
The efficiency is high enough for reklinators starting stoop, minor violations of posture and weak muscles of the shoulder girdle.

How to wear reklinators

Reklinators put on cotton underwear. Shoulder loops on the shoulders worn in a sitting or standing. The corrector must be worn up to 4 hours a day while working at the table, watching TV, lesson on the computer or reading. Reklinators easy to use and invisible under clothing.
Thoracic posture corrector

Thoracic posture correctors

Thoracic posture correctors are thoracic support bandages. In these structures there are semi-rigid corset belt and the back part, which captures the entire thoracic spine. It is considerably longer than that reklinators. The design includes additional straps that are located at mid-torso.
Indications for use of bandages is expressed breast droop, pathology location of blades, winged scapula, incorrect posture of scoliosis type, expressed in the thoracic spine, kyphoscoliosis initial stages.
Thoracic posture corrector is made of elastic material, and two ribs create a semi-rigid fixation with a curvature in the thoracic spine. In the selection of the thoracic zone is taken into account man's height and coverage of his chest. Size is determined by measuring the circumference under the breasts.Thoracic support bandages are not recommended for children under 4 years.
Thoracolumbar posture corrector

Thoracolumbar posture correctors

In these designs combined three elements: the corset belt, semi-rigid back and reklinators. Long ribs that can be modeled, run along the back and fix the lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis. The lumbar portion of the corrector is fixed on the belly velcro. Thoracolumbar Corrector allows simultaneous correction of the spine along its entire length.
Indications for use of semi-rigid thoracolumbar posture correctors are a violation of any severity in children and adults, kyphosis 2.1  degree scoliosis of 1.2  degree. Selection of correctors made ​​individually by size.

How to wear posture correctors

Thoracic and thoracolumbar posture correctors must be worn in a standing position. Care should be taken that the back had straightened, his head lifted and shoulders back. Need to attach the belt buckle on the belly - "Velcro" straps to transfer and extend through the armpits, they cross over in the back and fastening at the waist in front of the corrector. Stiffeners should be placed on either side of the spine. When properly dressed corrector straightens the spine, shoulders, back and drained straightened chest.
Posture Corrector begin to carry 30 minutes a day in the first week. In the second week wearing time increased to an hour a day, in the third week of up to two hours, and the fourth week of up to three hours a day. Then, within two months, posture correctors used 5.4  hours per day during the static load: working at a computer or a desk, reading, watching TV. Gradually, during wear, reduced by 1 hour per week. After performing this posture corrector scheme is no longer in use. However, when the signs they put on a stoop again for 4 hours per day and is used for 2 months.
In cases where remedial measures with support braces and there is insufficient progression of scoliosis during the growth of the child, apply corrective braces.

Corrective orthopedic braces for the spine

Corrective corsets are designed for the active correction of spinal deformity and allow it to slow down, and in some cases - to get rid of the disease.
Indications for the purpose of corrective braces are:
  • scoliosis of 2-3 degrees;
  • angle of the arc of curvature of 20 degrees before the onset of sexual maturity of the child;
  • Scoliosis progresses after the onset of menstruation at more than 5 degrees per year;
  • magnitude of the curvature over 40 degrees and marked changes in the vertebrae;
  • Need a partial correction of spinal deformity in adults in order to increase his mobility.

How do the corrective corsets

The action is based on the correction corsets curvatures of the spine simultaneously in two planes - the lateral and anterior-posterior. In corsets skoliozirovanny spine is unwound by the pressure of pelota (reference sites) on the trunk, the deformed part of the spine straightens and locks support the spine straightened into proper position.
By the constructions of this type include corsets Milwaukee, Lyons, Boston, Chenault, corsets made in Russia (St. Petersburg), which are analogues of corsets Chenault. Corsets are semirigid and rigid construction.
Milwaukee brace

Milwaukee brace

Semi-rigid corset of Milwaukee has a frame with a seat for the pelvic area and support site - pelota, mounted on the power belts and load the trunk. First made individual pelvic-lumbar pocket, and then going to a corset made of metal components. Corset has a support site - chin and occipital pelota. Corsets are made on the size and growth of the patient, taking into account strain, it is possible to adjust.
Lyons corset

Lyons corset

Semi-rigid corset of Lyons is a metal-design consisting of vertical metal struts and horizontal metal supports, fixed to it, for the thoracic and lumbar spine.Corset has an advantage - height adjustment that allows you to change it once in two years. Made a corset for Lyons anatomical model, which is obtained by using computer technology, and is used in the cervico-thoraco-lumbar scoliosis.
Boston brace

Boston brace

Lumbosacral corset Boston type is made to the level of the chest. Corset has a rear connector and clasp at the front has a bilateral notch to the level of the iliac bones, which are outside the closed elastic rods to snug corset. It is used for scoliosis 3 degrees of the lumbar spine.
Corset Chenot

Corset Chenot

The most widely used and quite effective in the treatment of scoliosis tight corset Chenault.
Corset Chenault made of polymer, worn on the body and buckle. Inside the hull glued foam pads that act as reference sites and provide strong pressure on the body. Base of the corset in this case is rigidly connected with the elements of the pressure.
There have been recent modifications of the corset - a lightweight corset Chenault. This corset is not connected to the base tightly with supporting platforms and has its own pressure regulator on the body in the area that needs to be corrected.
Corrective action corset Chenault is because the pressure created on the convex surface of the body, causing the filling concave portions of the body of free spaces that are created in a corset on the opposite side of the curvature. Breathing a special technique increases the volume of lung tissue, and it affects the inside to the deformity of the spine and chest.

How to wear corrective orthopedic corsets

  • Under the corset must be worn undershirt with short sleeves, with no seams in areas of pressure.
  • Avoid intense loads and lifting more than 5 kg in both hands.
  • Need to check the condition of the skin under the oppressive pelota. When the discomfort arising when wearing a corset, you need to see a specialist.
  • In a corset you need to be permanent. Correction corset is removed only during hygiene procedures and physical therapy sessions.
  • At first, the corset should be worn at all times (to remove a maximum of 1 hour per day). Every 3 months is necessary X-ray control - a snapshot of the spine when wearing a corset, and after removing the brace in 2 hours.
  • Every three months conducting a mandatory correction corset. Thus, each patient before the end of the growing season some times have to make a new corset.
Term of wearing a corset is determined individually, taking into account the patient's age, severity of the deformation and flow of the process (the progression or stabilization).
At the end of corset treatment is carried out step withdrawal from the corset. He is from 6 to 12 months. First, time spent without a corset is 1 hour per day, and by the end of the third month - 6 hours, and gradually brought up to 16 hours a day, while wearing a corset for the period required a night's sleep. With a favorable state of the patient to periodically remove the spine corset and a night's sleep for a period ranging from one night a week.
After removal of the corset is recommended to observe the dynamics of the state of the spine in 4 years, conducting radiological control each year.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi . i justneed to kniw where can i buy the Thoracolumbar posture correctors

  3. Replies
    1. "in Russia" only? None in the USA?
      If none in the USA, why?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
