Classification of scoliosis

Classification of scoliosis is produced in many ways, primarily by the degree of curvature. 
To measure the angle of curvature of the spine on x-rays from two horizontal lines: one for the first vertebra, which begins with a curvature, the other - at last, where the curvature of the ends. Then spend two perpendiculars to these lines and measure the angle between the perpendiculars. This is a curvature in degrees greater than the angle, the greater curvature.
As the degree of deformation scoliosis is divided into 4 groups (by J. Cobb, 1958)
a degree of scoliosisangle of curvature of 10 degrees, the x-ray noticeably slight twisting (torsion)
2 degrees of scoliosisangle of curvature of 10 degrees to 25 degrees, a significant torsional deformation is evident on radiographs of the vertebral bodies at the apex of curvature, a clinically defined muscle spindle
3 degrees of scoliosisangle of curvature of 25 to 40 degrees, chest deformity, the presence of rib hump at the top of the curvature and the surrounding areas are wedge-shaped vertebrae
4 degrees of scoliosisangle of curvature greater than 40 degrees, severe chest deformity, scoliosis kifo-thoracic, anterior and posterior rib hump deformity of the pelvis, severe deformity of the vertebral bodies and vertebral joints, calcification of ligaments

In our country, applied clinical and radiological classification of V.D.Chaklina (1973), which is also 4 strain, but other angles of scoliosis.
Degree of scoliosis Chaklin
a degree of scoliosisangle to 10 degrees of scoliosis, a slight curvature of the spine in the frontal plane, vanishing in the supine position, shoulder blades and upper arm asymmetry in the thoracic and lumbar scoliosis at the waist, the asymmetry of the muscles in the curvature of the arc
2 degrees of scoliosisangle of 11 to 30 degrees, the curvature does not vanish completely in the supine position, a small arc and a small compensatory rib hump
3 degrees of scoliosisangle from 31 to 60 degrees, the presence of compensatory arc, chest deformity, a large rib hump, the deviation in the direction of the main body of the arc of curvature
4 degrees of scoliosisangle of 60 degrees, heavy fixed-kifo scoliosis, a significant deformation of the skeleton, the disruption of the heart and lungs
C-shaped scoliosis
S-shaped scoliosis
In the form of curving scoliosis is: C-shaped (with a single arc of curvature), S-shaped (with two arcs) and sigma-shaped (three arches).
Vertebrae in anatomy and medicine mean reductions in the form of letters (the name of the spine) and the numbers that determine the number of vertebrae in the department. As we shall also use these conventional notations: cervical spine (vertebrae cervicales) - C1 to C7, thoracic (v. thoracicae) - from Th1 to Th12, lumbar (v. lumbales) - L1 to L5, sacral (v. sacrales ) - from S1 to S5.
For localization of curvature scoliosis distinguish the following:
cervico-thoracic scoliosiscurvature at the top of Th3 - Th4
thoracic scoliosisTh8 - Th9
thoracolumbar scoliosisTh11 - Th12
lumbar scoliosisL1 - L2
lumbosacral scoliosisL5 - S1

By the time of manifestation of scoliosis is divided into the following types:
infantile (scoliosis infantilis) - diagnosed in children under 3 years old child , or juvenile (juvenilis) - from 3 to 10 years, youth , or adolescence (adolescentis) - 10 years before the end of skeletal growth, adult scoliosis diagnosed after bone growth (from 18-24 years of age and older).

A classification based on the origin of scoliosis and the proposed Dzh.Kobbom (1958).
1) myopathic and rachitic scoliosis caused by failure of ligaments, the neuro-muscular and bone
2) scoliosis of neurogenic origin, and scoliosis caused by degeneration of the intervertebral disc with subsequent radicular syndromes
3) scoliosis due to congenital anomalies of the vertebrae and ribs
4) scoliosis caused by diseases of the chest
5), idiopathic scoliosis , whose origin is not clear (it is the most extensive group)

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