SCOLIOSIS Curvature of the spine

What is scoliosis

Curvature of the spine called scoliosis in the lateral plane. Not to be confused scoliosis and incorrect posture . Defects in posture result from unbalanced loads on the spine and the adjusted exercise. The causes of scoliosis are much deeper, the disease affects many of the bony structures and internal organs, and responds poorly to treatment. When scoliosis is not only the curvature of the spine, but its rotation around the vertical axis, the protrusion of the edges to form a rib hump, changing the normal position and shape of the blades of the chest. Such heavy strain leads to compression of internal organs and disruption of their work. Another feature of severe scoliosis is that it usually progresses, sometimes very quickly.

Degree of scoliosis

The magnitude of deformation of the spine scoliosis is divided into degrees. The most easy, first degree scoliosis corresponds to the angle of curvature of the spine to 10 degrees. The most severe, the fourth degree is characterized by an angle exceeding 60 degrees.
If the spine has a curvature of the arc, then we speak about the C-shaped scoliosis. If there are two arcs, it is S-shapedscoliosis.

The causes of the disease

The cause of scoliosis could be a spinal injury, severe infection, congenital anomalies of the vertebrae and other bones. In accordance with modern ideas bad posture does not cause scoliosis, but may contribute to its development. More information about the causes of scoliosis read here .
About 80% of all cases of the so-called idiopathic scoliosis , the cause of which has not yet been clarified. Unknown pathogenic factor greatly complicates the treatment of disease.
When the disease is a risk factor for idiopathic scoliosis is hereditary. Many women who suffer from curvature of the spine, are worried about whether they can give birth to a healthy baby.

How to Treat Scoliosis

Traditional methods of conservative treatment of scoliosis include gymnastics, physiotherapy, therapeutic massage and korsetirovanie. Important are vitamin-rich diet and a healthy daily routine.
Unfortunately, almost all of these methods have only a supporting character of General therapy. They can only help patients who have not completed skeletal growth, and the curvature of the spine is not above the third degree. Patients with progressive curvature of the high degree of prescribed surgery.
On this site you can read the reviews of almost all treatments used today for scoliosis.

Therapeutic exercise

Therapeutic exercises demonstrated in all patients, regardless of the degree of curvature. Choose your doctor and do individual exercises exercises every day.

Physiotherapy and massage

Physical therapy is given as an adjuvant therapy with therapeutic exercises and other methods. The structure consists of physical therapy electrical muscle stimulation, magnetic therapy, heat therapy, water and mud. The same has a tonic effect and therapeutic massage , which is most often prescribed to children.

Therapeutic corset

For the correction of spinal curvature in patients with incomplete skeletal growth of the use of active-corrective brace is considered the most effective method. This is especially corsets Chenault, who made ​​individually for each patient. Need to wear these corsets for many hours a day for several years, but they do correct the deformation.


Breathing exercises for the Schroth method, introduced in Germany about a hundred years ago, and is used in many countries. Now it has been applied and we have as an auxiliary, but an effective means of treatment.


Manual therapy offered in many private hospitals. Reliable scientific evidence on the effectiveness of manual therapy for scoliosis is not, the application of this method for the treatment of scoliotic deformities is considered very risky.

Surgical treatment of

The indications for surgery to correct scoliosis are the angle of curvature greater than 40 degrees, the progressive course of disease, the risk of disruption to vital internal organs and persistent pain. During the operation the adjacent vertebrae fasten with special metal brackets, which remain in the patient's body forever.


Scoliosis often appears at a certain age. Infantile scoliosis occurs in the first year of life, and often disappears spontaneously. Two other critical point to the period of rapid growth: in 6-7 years and 10-14 years (puberty). Read more about scoliosis in children and adolescents with recommendations to parents.


Progression of scoliosis can and after the growth of the skeleton. In adult patients, deterioration is usually associated with neuralgic disorders, osteochondrosis, and other degenerative processes in the bone. Often these states are accompanied by severe pain. Read more about scoliosis in adults with my recommendations.

Do you have a chance

For over 20 years, I help patients with scoliosis to get rid of this serious disease. On this and other pages you can see photos of patients who received my treatment. People who suffer from scoliosis and familiar with it firsthand, would agree that such a successful treatment can not offer any formal or traditional medicine. My method gives effective results in the treatment of scoliosis 1 - 3 degrees, kyphosis and other spinal disorders. A course consisting of 20 - 30 sessions held during the month to reduce the angle of scoliosis, about one and a half to two times. Not only decreases the angle of curvature, but also the position of the blades and pelvis, vertebral rotation (torsion), the position and shape of the ribs of the chest. It is important to note that the positive effect is achieved not only for children and adolescents, but also for patients older than 25 and even 40 years. Read more about my method of treatment of the spine. On the results page scoliosis treatment I give ample evidence in the form of topographs and photos of my patients.
If the classical treatment fails, or if you do not want to go for surgery, please contact us - I'll try to help you.

Corsets for the treatment of spinal

Corrective orthopedic corsets are one of the few truly effective methods of conservative treatment of scoliosis. The main purpose of corsets - hold the spine in the correct physiological position and the active correction of deformities.
When scoliosis brace for the spine can be supportive and corrective.
The main objective of maintenance (fixing) corset - unloading the spine. The role of these braces is to prevent diseases of the spine. They are used to improve posture, they are encouraged to wear when the spine is not deformed. They are also used for small angles of curvature of the spine, in adulthood, or after surgery.
The main task of correcting corset - the active correction of deformity. This type of corset worn continuously for six months or longer, to change as the child grows, or at least correct curvature of the spine.

Supporting braces for the spine

There are many different designs supporting corsets, depending on their specific purpose. They are made of different materials: cotton, leather and imitation leather, elastic multi-layer fabric.Corsets have varying degrees of hardness (inside the belt sewed special ribs - elastic plate), which provides a more secure fit. Supporting braces provide dosage fixation and handling of certain parts of the spine: clavicular corset, corset for fixing blades, orthopedic reklinators for unloading the lumbar and thoracolumbar, bearing correctors.
Wearing a supportive brace strengthens the back muscles, relieve pain, reduce the load on the spine with age-related changes. The wearing of corsets shown to persons whose activity is associated with high physical activity (longshoremen, athletes).
All the supporting bearing correctors produced by specialized companies.
Reklinators to correct posture


Reklinators - a flexible posture correctors, resulting in the correct position of the shoulder girdle. They represent a figure-eight bandage that covers the hinges from the front shoulder joints. Wearing reklinators can dissolve and reduce slouching shoulders verhnegrudnogo spine.
Reklinators used to generate the correct posture in children and adults with iperkifozah ("round back") and kyphoscoliosis initial stages, to prevent progression of spinal curvature.
The efficiency is high enough for reklinators starting stoop, minor violations of posture and weak muscles of the shoulder girdle.

How to wear reklinators

Reklinators put on cotton underwear. Shoulder loops on the shoulders worn in a sitting or standing. The corrector must be worn up to 4 hours a day while working at the table, watching TV, lesson on the computer or reading. Reklinators easy to use and invisible under clothing.
Thoracic posture corrector

Thoracic posture correctors

Thoracic posture correctors are thoracic support bandages. In these structures there are semi-rigid corset belt and the back part, which captures the entire thoracic spine. It is considerably longer than that reklinators. The design includes additional straps that are located at mid-torso.
Indications for use of bandages is expressed breast droop, pathology location of blades, winged scapula, incorrect posture of scoliosis type, expressed in the thoracic spine, kyphoscoliosis initial stages.
Thoracic posture corrector is made of elastic material, and two ribs create a semi-rigid fixation with a curvature in the thoracic spine. In the selection of the thoracic zone is taken into account man's height and coverage of his chest. Size is determined by measuring the circumference under the breasts.Thoracic support bandages are not recommended for children under 4 years.
Thoracolumbar posture corrector

Thoracolumbar posture correctors

In these designs combined three elements: the corset belt, semi-rigid back and reklinators. Long ribs that can be modeled, run along the back and fix the lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis. The lumbar portion of the corrector is fixed on the belly velcro. Thoracolumbar Corrector allows simultaneous correction of the spine along its entire length.
Indications for use of semi-rigid thoracolumbar posture correctors are a violation of any severity in children and adults, kyphosis 2.1  degree scoliosis of 1.2  degree. Selection of correctors made ​​individually by size.

How to wear posture correctors

Thoracic and thoracolumbar posture correctors must be worn in a standing position. Care should be taken that the back had straightened, his head lifted and shoulders back. Need to attach the belt buckle on the belly - "Velcro" straps to transfer and extend through the armpits, they cross over in the back and fastening at the waist in front of the corrector. Stiffeners should be placed on either side of the spine. When properly dressed corrector straightens the spine, shoulders, back and drained straightened chest.
Posture Corrector begin to carry 30 minutes a day in the first week. In the second week wearing time increased to an hour a day, in the third week of up to two hours, and the fourth week of up to three hours a day. Then, within two months, posture correctors used 5.4  hours per day during the static load: working at a computer or a desk, reading, watching TV. Gradually, during wear, reduced by 1 hour per week. After performing this posture corrector scheme is no longer in use. However, when the signs they put on a stoop again for 4 hours per day and is used for 2 months.
In cases where remedial measures with support braces and there is insufficient progression of scoliosis during the growth of the child, apply corrective braces.

Corrective orthopedic braces for the spine

Corrective corsets are designed for the active correction of spinal deformity and allow it to slow down, and in some cases - to get rid of the disease.
Indications for the purpose of corrective braces are:
  • scoliosis of 2-3 degrees;
  • angle of the arc of curvature of 20 degrees before the onset of sexual maturity of the child;
  • Scoliosis progresses after the onset of menstruation at more than 5 degrees per year;
  • magnitude of the curvature over 40 degrees and marked changes in the vertebrae;
  • Need a partial correction of spinal deformity in adults in order to increase his mobility.

How do the corrective corsets

The action is based on the correction corsets curvatures of the spine simultaneously in two planes - the lateral and anterior-posterior. In corsets skoliozirovanny spine is unwound by the pressure of pelota (reference sites) on the trunk, the deformed part of the spine straightens and locks support the spine straightened into proper position.
By the constructions of this type include corsets Milwaukee, Lyons, Boston, Chenault, corsets made in Russia (St. Petersburg), which are analogues of corsets Chenault. Corsets are semirigid and rigid construction.
Milwaukee brace

Milwaukee brace

Semi-rigid corset of Milwaukee has a frame with a seat for the pelvic area and support site - pelota, mounted on the power belts and load the trunk. First made individual pelvic-lumbar pocket, and then going to a corset made of metal components. Corset has a support site - chin and occipital pelota. Corsets are made on the size and growth of the patient, taking into account strain, it is possible to adjust.
Lyons corset

Lyons corset

Semi-rigid corset of Lyons is a metal-design consisting of vertical metal struts and horizontal metal supports, fixed to it, for the thoracic and lumbar spine.Corset has an advantage - height adjustment that allows you to change it once in two years. Made a corset for Lyons anatomical model, which is obtained by using computer technology, and is used in the cervico-thoraco-lumbar scoliosis.
Boston brace

Boston brace

Lumbosacral corset Boston type is made to the level of the chest. Corset has a rear connector and clasp at the front has a bilateral notch to the level of the iliac bones, which are outside the closed elastic rods to snug corset. It is used for scoliosis 3 degrees of the lumbar spine.
Corset Chenot

Corset Chenot

The most widely used and quite effective in the treatment of scoliosis tight corset Chenault.
Corset Chenault made of polymer, worn on the body and buckle. Inside the hull glued foam pads that act as reference sites and provide strong pressure on the body. Base of the corset in this case is rigidly connected with the elements of the pressure.
There have been recent modifications of the corset - a lightweight corset Chenault. This corset is not connected to the base tightly with supporting platforms and has its own pressure regulator on the body in the area that needs to be corrected.
Corrective action corset Chenault is because the pressure created on the convex surface of the body, causing the filling concave portions of the body of free spaces that are created in a corset on the opposite side of the curvature. Breathing a special technique increases the volume of lung tissue, and it affects the inside to the deformity of the spine and chest.

How to wear corrective orthopedic corsets

  • Under the corset must be worn undershirt with short sleeves, with no seams in areas of pressure.
  • Avoid intense loads and lifting more than 5 kg in both hands.
  • Need to check the condition of the skin under the oppressive pelota. When the discomfort arising when wearing a corset, you need to see a specialist.
  • In a corset you need to be permanent. Correction corset is removed only during hygiene procedures and physical therapy sessions.
  • At first, the corset should be worn at all times (to remove a maximum of 1 hour per day). Every 3 months is necessary X-ray control - a snapshot of the spine when wearing a corset, and after removing the brace in 2 hours.
  • Every three months conducting a mandatory correction corset. Thus, each patient before the end of the growing season some times have to make a new corset.
Term of wearing a corset is determined individually, taking into account the patient's age, severity of the deformation and flow of the process (the progression or stabilization).
At the end of corset treatment is carried out step withdrawal from the corset. He is from 6 to 12 months. First, time spent without a corset is 1 hour per day, and by the end of the third month - 6 hours, and gradually brought up to 16 hours a day, while wearing a corset for the period required a night's sleep. With a favorable state of the patient to periodically remove the spine corset and a night's sleep for a period ranging from one night a week.
After removal of the corset is recommended to observe the dynamics of the state of the spine in 4 years, conducting radiological control each year.

Schroth scoliosis-therapy

The system of breathing exercises meal is considered one of the few effective methods of correction of scoliosis. Schroth therapy is officially recognized and applied in many countries around the world. For example, in Germany it is a service of compulsory medical insurance.
The classes of meal-therapy
This method of correction was named by the name of creator - Katharina Schroth. The method - breathing exercises. Thanks to them, can not consistently have an effect on those parts of the spine who underwent pathological changes in scoliosis. At the same time on the unaffected sections do not apply.
The very aching scoliosis, German Katharina Schroth physiotherapist decided to try to defeat the illness. The basis of his method, she took the principle of removing dents on a rubber ball. As the ball Katharina Schroth decided to consider the human body. The concave side of scoliosis - a crater on the ball. Hence the idea - to breathe the air, fill the concave part of it. Katarina won his illness, and in the 20s of the XX century, it created a clinic that uses its method of breathing exercises in dealing with scoliosis. Now clinics are spread throughout the world.
Three-dimensional correction of scoliosis by the method of Schroth recommended for patients of all ages - both adults and children. Schroth-therapy can be given in combination with massage and physical therapy . Classes for respiratory therapy Schroth individual. Before you start it, the patient already knows what his type of scoliosis, and a specialist determines where on the body of the patient are concave space, which will have to learn to breathe.
The basis of the developed Katharina Schroth exercises is that the correction is due to the asymmetric breathing, which is directed opposite to the curvature of scoliosis. The patient should be targeted to breathe in concave areas of the chest. Initially, this setting can cause confusion. But in fact, intercostal muscles, with which the breath, mind controlled by the same way as the muscles of the limbs. Therefore, learn conscious breathing to asymmetric forces everyone.
Early studies carried out on a table, a couch for massage. In the table provided an opening for the face that the patient was free to lie face down.First, a gentle massage sinking zones. His goal - to give the patient an opportunity to remember those zones. Next, the so-called "breath of meal." It is made sinking zones in sequence. The instructor puts his hand on the area, and the patient tries to "raise" her for inspiration. "Breath of meal" perform a poluszhatye lips and make the maximum length. Because of this intense work intercostal muscles. Instructor, strongly pushing the bulging zone, contributes to the fact that the breath is more complete. These exercises allow the patient to remember the technique of inhaling and exhaling certain areas.
Leading specialists who treat scoliosis, noted that the breathing exercises for the meal - it is an effective range of existing methods of physical therapy, strength, breathing, ideomotor, relaxation gymnastics, and some others. Along with medical korsetirovaniem Schroth therapy is considered the most effective conservative treatment for scoliosis.

Manual therapy for scoliosis

Most medical facilities offering treatment for scoliosis, have in their arsenal as a method of manual therapy. This method can be called an alternative rather than traditional. But the effectiveness of manual therapy in the treatment of scoliosis is still in doubt. But quite clearly we can note that manual therapy is a fairly wide range of contraindications. Here are some of them: scoliosis, arisen because of injuries, infectious lesions of the spine, tumors, severe osteoporosis, spinal cord compression, concomitant visceral pathology and many others. It is also not recommended to use manual therapy to correct the curvature of the spine in early childhood.
Effect of manual therapy in the treatment of scoliosis is the correction of the deformity through techniques that first relax the back muscles and other body parts, and then tricks the sharp impact of rail joints in the correct position. Manual therapists argue that it is quick and clean, not only physical but also the energy channels of toxins, blocks and stagnation. This impact, in their opinion, should lead to the restoration of the energy balance of the body and, in particular, the restoration of normal function of the spine.
Often used for the treatment of scoliosis is a type of manual therapy, developed K.Levitom. Its essence lies in the soft effect that looks like a combination of massage with passive physiotherapy.At the same time are affected no more than 1-2 vertebrae at a time, it is the action method is a systematic, step-wise character. Manual therapist should not attempt to do a quick elimination of all violations. The frequency of sessions of manual therapy should not exceed one session per week. All the positive changes that can be achieved using this method, you need to attach other components of the complex conservative treatment: massage, exercise therapy, electrical stimulation of the muscles. In most cases, this method of manual therapy used in the treatment of scoliosis is not greater than the second degree and not in patients older than 18 years, yet there was ossification of the spine.
With widespread use of manual therapy in treatment of scoliosis is its main disadvantage, if not danger of unqualified professionals are trying to carry out manipulations. In experienced hands, chiropractic can sometimes give a positive result. However, experience shows that this result is always short, pretty soon the deformation returns to its original level, or even worse. I am not aware of any medical statistics confirmed the effective application of manual therapy for scoliosis, resulting in a credible medical centers . So my patients to use manual therapy, I do not recommend.

Surgical treatment of scoliosis (operation)

Operations on the spine are in the area of ​​complex and high-tech medicine and are possible only in specialized clinics, with the appropriate material and technical base and staff. Surgery gives positive results and significant relief from scoliosis patients, but nevertheless the case that the operation does not justify the imposed expectations. Therefore, the decision about the operation in each case must be taken very carefully and cautiously, passing a comprehensive examination and consultation with experienced professionals.

indications for surgery

    The main indications for surgery for scoliosis include:
  • progressive spinal deformity (with an angle of curvature of 40 degrees or more) in children, when not yet completed skeletal growth;
  • spinal deformity with an angle of 60 degrees or more;
  • strain, which put pressure on internal organs, primarily the heart and lungs, thereby disrupting their work;
  • a strong pain that can not be removed by conservative methods of treatment;
  • defect in appearance caused by the deformation of the spine.
It is believed that the most favorable time to operate is the time before the end of the growth of the spine. Operation in early childhood fraught with changes in the growth of the spine in a direction opposite to the original distortion that can cause a new strain. In adulthood, the operation, in most cases, carry out because of pain, degenerative change or desire to achieve a cosmetic effect.

Types of operations on the spine for correction of scoliosis

The operation on the spine, usually has several goals at once: stop the progression of deformation correction and stabilization of the spine, removing pressure on internal organs, the elimination of pain and spinal cord compression, removal of cosmetic defects. Correction of the deformation is carried out by fixation of adjacent vertebrae with metal. In this case the mobility of the spine, of course, is reduced. Metal staples remain in the patient's body forever. Most recently developed movable metal that can be used for the growing spine.
Appliances, tools and methodology of surgical treatment for scoliosis is constantly evolving. Development in France in 1984 and Kotrelem Dyubusse (Cotrel, Dubousset) metal structure, which reduces the amount of strain stabilizes the spine and affects the rotation of the vertebrae has become a new word in the surgical treatment of scoliosis. Before this technique was used Harrington (Harrington). These two methods are used most heavily, they became the basis for further development of spinal surgery. Below is a brief description of the operational methods used in this country and abroad.
The operation by the method of Harrington

The method of Harrington (Harrington)

The method of Paul Harrington became famous in the 60s of last century. The method is to use a metal structure, which consists of a rod and hooks, which roam freely and are attached to the back of the spine in the right places. Distractor rod mounted on the concave side of bending, fixing hooks on the articular process of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. On the convex side of the curvature using a rod-contractor. The postoperative period is accompanied by the wearing of a plaster corset for up to two weeks. Subsequent to wear a special corset - from six months to a year.
Harrington method is the most simple and safe. The operation lasts about 3 hours. The degree of spinal deformity as a result of the operation is reduced by about 60% of the original. This value is approximately the same for other methods. Complete elimination of deformation is impossible because of the risk of spinal cord injury with a significant change in spine shape.
The operation by the method of Luc
The operation of the method Kotrelya-Dyubusse

Method Kotrelya-Dyubusse (Cotrel-Dubousset)

This method was developed in the 80s of last century, french orthopedic surgeons. One of its main differences from the Harrington technique is to abolish the need for prolonged postoperative wearing a corset. The principle of the method Kotrelya-Dyubusse based on the use of an implant consisting of a fixation rods and hooks. The bars give the desired bend and attach them to the vertebrae. The method is widely used around the world.

Method of Luke (Luque)

In 1973 the Mexican orthopedic Eduardo Luque started working on a system for the correction of the spine.This design is a combination of L-shaped cylindrical rod and wire fixation, which allows you to spread out evenly along the length of an element of correcting spinal deformity. Postoperative fixation of the cast in most cases, the use of an operational method of Luque is not required.
The operation of the method Tsilke

Method Tsilke (Zielke)

Correction of deformity and fixation of the result by this method is based on the compression and derotation of vertebrae. The design consists of several pairs of elements: two bars and two screws. This system allows to form a solid structure, which can be used to create a sufficient correction of the curvature correction terms. After the operation is necessary to wear a plaster Zielke corset with subsequent transition to a special locking corset, worn up to 10 months.
Distractor Kazmina

Native methods of surgical treatment of scoliosis

In addition to these techniques are used in our country and the construction of our countrymen - distracters Kazmin, Fishchenko, plate-Rodnyansky Gupalova, Gavrilova. Often, surgery to combat the effects of scoliosis is running, using techniques Chaklin.
Kazmina distractor is used to correct the curvature of the lumbar spine. Distractor is installed so that their ends, he rested in the transverse processes of the vertebrae and the iliac bone.
Dvuhplastinchaty endokorrektor Rodnyansky-Gupalova
Monoplate endokorrektor Rodnyansky-Gupalova
Common in our country endokorrektory Rodnyansky-Gupalova are of two types. Monoplate endokorrektor used in dysplastic thoracic scoliosis with a curvature angle of 30 to 50 degrees (Cobb) in the treatment of juvenile kyphosis, and vertebral fractures. Dvuhplastinchaty endokorrektor severe degrees of scoliosis is designed for surgical treatment of dysplastic thoracic scoliosis of grade 4, taking into account the curvature of more than 50 degrees (Cobb).
In the West, the surgical treatment of the spine is no longer a rarity. Elaborate tools and extensive practice of minimizing the failure rate and complications. European leader in the use of surgical treatment of scoliosis is considered to be Germany. In our country the situation is somewhat worse, and therefore need to choose carefully the clinic, it is advisable to talk not only with his future surgeon, but also with the operated patients. best clinic in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk. All of them are usually found in the research institutes of Traumatology and Orthopedics (NIITO). Operations on the scoliosis is very expensive. For example, the U.S. operation Kotrelyu-Dyubusse in 2009 was worth 250 thousand dollars. In our country the cost of the operation, of course, is many times lower, but the likelihood of complications is higher.

Massage for scoliosis

Therapeutic massage - this is one of the traditional methods of conservative treatment of scoliosis, which is used in combination with exercise therapy, andphysiotherapy , korsetirovaniem, swimming, and diet. The main purpose of massage is to strengthen the back muscles and rib cage to create a natural support for the spine . In line with this objective is carried differentiated massage - on the concave side of bending it is relaxing, and a convex - toning.
Massage is indicated for any degree of scoliosis , since its effect normalizes muscle tone, strengthens them, improves blood circulation and lymph flow of the body, reduces pain, if any, and, ultimately, contributes to the creation of the muscular system, which is so important to keep the spine in the correct position.
To achieve positive results in the treatment of scoliosis, a combination of two types of approaches: the first - an integrated, second - an individual. Action by the attending physician and massage therapist should be well coordinated. The physician should explain the massage therapist what areas should be given the most attention. Massage therapist must have sufficient qualifications and adhere to the recommendations developed for a particular patient. Masseur is prohibited to have a direct impact on the deformed spine areas, if there is no clear prescription from your doctor.
When performing a massage stick to the usual sequence. First, massage the back, then - the lower back and buttocks, then - the chest and abdomen. If necessary, gently massage the cervical spine, which is said to have massage therapists cervical area.
The course of massage for scoliosis can be divided into several stages. At the initial stage of the course of performing intensive massage of superficial tissues, which increases overall body tone. Then, a deeper muscle massage that will eliminate muscular hypertonicity and possible degenerative phenomenon. The next stage of the course of therapeutic massage, aimed at correcting the deformation and "fixing" the results of the correction should be more intense and prolonged.
To achieve sustainable positive results in the year it is desirable to at least three courses, including at least twenty procedures. The duration of the procedure early in the course of 15-20 minutes and gradually increase to 40-50 minutes. The first half of the course of therapeutic massage treatments carried out daily, the second - in a day.
Massage - an important component of effective comprehensive treatment of scoliosis. But the treatment can not be limited solely to the massage. Only in combination with other treatments of scoliosis massage brings tangible benefits.

Exercises physical therapy for scoliosis

Exercise therapy is assigned at all stages of the disease, but it is most effective when the initial forms of scoliosis. Exercise strengthens muscles of the torso, muscular form. This has a stabilizing effect on the spine, corrects distortion and improves posture. Full range of exercise therapy for scoliosis include gymnastics, massage, correction of the situation, an exercise in the water, the elements of sports (skiing, swimming).

The danger of self-

Important! Selection exercises in a particular form of scoliosis and the individual clinical picture is held very professional. Strongly do not recommend doing it yourself. Striving to achieve significant and rapid correction of curvature in scoliosis, for example, intensive stretching exercises or mobilize the spine, can help compensate for disruption of the process and become a starting point of rapid disease progression.

Symmetric and asymmetric exercises

So far, there is disagreement between the supporters of the symmetric and asymmetric gymnastics. Much depends on the type of scoliosis, its extent, the dynamics of the disease. It should be understood that the exercise therapy as a treatment method, especially, should be directed to the stabilization of the deformation of the spine. Only a small correction of the deformity can be performed by a functional component of the curve. Stable components of curvature of the spine (structural or organic changes in the vertebrae) is not affected corrective exercises.
Independently perform the basic course can only be symmetric simple exercises that are recommended for minor violations of posture, as well as the initial degree of curvature of the spine.
When performing exercises on the symmetric deformation of the spine is minimal impact, greatly reducing the risk of their misuse.
Symmetric exercise is not the same effect on the symmetrical muscles of the trunk, which are unbalanced due to the curvature of the spine. Under the influence of exercise weak muscles are a heavy load, so that they are trained more intensively than strong muscles. The result is a correction of the neuromuscular system, and formed a balanced muscular system.

A set of exercises for scoliosis

This basic package includes the symmetric nature of the corrective exercises that strengthen the muscles of the trunk, pulling the metered spine, producing a correct posture.

The basic rules when performing compound exercises for scoliosis

  1. Dosed physical load and watch the well-being by preventing its degradation. Start with the minimum load, with a gradual increase in her.
  2. Do the exercises at a slow pace, carefully follow the bearing and to see how tense these or other muscle groups.
  3. Eliminate visy-ups and avoid intense activity of spinal traction. Permitted only passive stretching.
  4. Eliminate all the exercises to increase flexibility of the spine, do not perform exercises with elements of the torso along the vertical axis.
  5. Rotate the load for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arm with a load for the leg muscles.


  1. Adopt a good posture by touching the wall or wall bars buttocks, calves and heels. Move away from the wall in 1-2 steps, keeping the correct posture. Breathing without delay.
  2. The initial position (IP) - feet shoulder width apart, arms down. On the count of "1" to raise their hands up inhale, at the expense of "2-3" - to stretch, to "4" - give up, relax - breathe out.Run 4-5 times. Follow maintaining correct posture.
  3. Section IV: feet shoulder width apart, arms down. On the count of 1 to 4 - circular motion apart ago - 4 times, with the arms down, his shoulders straightened. Then perform well at the expense of 1 to 4 circular movement of the shoulders forward - 4 times. The breath of freedom.
  4. Section IV: feet shoulder width apart, hands on his belt. On the count of "1" - bending the knee to the stomach, to the "2" - take a starting position on the "3-4" - execute the same with the other leg. Perform the exercise 4-6 times. back is straight, exercise combined with the phases of respiration.
  5. Section IV: standing, hands at shoulders. At the expense of "1-2" - the slope of the body forward with hands pulling forward (body and hands parallel to the floor, legs straight) - exhale at the expense of "3-4" - take the starting position, inhale. Perform 4-5 times.
  6. Section IV: standing, hands behind his back to the castle. On the count of "1" - allocating the hands back at the expense of "2-5" - holding positions on the "6" - and take. § Back straight, chin lifted, shoulders are reduced, the hands do not touch the pelvis. Perform 3-4 times.
  7. The main stand. On the count of 1 to 4 as you exhale slowly perform squats, arms forward. Back straight, arms straight, palms inward. At the expense of "5.8" accept a starting position, exhale. Perform 4-5 times.
  8. Section IV: standing, hands in front of chest. In the "1-2" - farming hands to the sides, palms up, inhale on the "3-4" - the starting position, exhale. Back straight, arms at shoulder level.Perform 3-4 times.

The main section

  1. Section IV: standing, elbows to the sides, hands at shoulders. On the count of 1 to 4 carry out the rotation elbows (first forward, then back). Movements are performed with a small amplitude, elbow rotation describe a small circle. Pace of implementation - slow. 2.3 redo.
  2. Initial position: standing up. At the expense of "1-2" on the side of the thoracic scoliosis (spinal deformity convexity) omit the shoulder and tap it back to bringing the blade to the center line (the spine), the "3-4" - the starting position. Perform 6 times, not allowing the rotation of the body
  3. Initial position: standing up. At the expense of "1-2" on the opposite side of the thoracic scoliosis shoulder lift and rotate it forward to pulling the shoulder blades back. We make 6 times, not allowing the rotation of the body
  4. "Traction" spine. It's important to master this exercise.
    I. Section: standing. On the inhale stretch the crown of the head up, trying to become taller. This is not to become the "socks" (heels touch the floor) and lift the shoulders up. Inhaling moderate, not the maximum. After reaching a peak of stretching, hold your breath for 5-10 seconds (depending on fitness), and during this time seek to keep up (keep your muscles tense.) You can quite compare themselves with tight string or young rostochkom spring, which stretches toward the sun. Drag, and not imitate traction. Work on the traction should not be stopped for a second. Then exhale and gently remove the tension is gradually relaxed. Begin and end stretching slowly, without jerking.
  5. The exercises lying on your back is intended to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  6. Exercise "scissors".
    I. Section: lying on his back, hands behind your head or along the trunk. Perform horizontal kick their feet crosswise. Mahi is desirable to produce closer to the floor. Pace of implementation - medium. Perform 2-3 sets of 30-40 seconds.
  7. Exercise "bicycle".
    I. Section: lying on his back, hands behind your head or along the trunk. Feet commit motion, simulating cycling. It is important that the angle between the legs and the floor was small.Air performance is average. Perform 2-3 sets of 30-40 seconds.
  8. Section IV: lying on his back, hands behind his head. On the count of "1" - raise the leg to "2" - to separate the sides, at the expense of "3-6" to hold in that position, "7" - to join up and to the "8" - omitted. Shoulders and elbows pressed to the floor, lifting a small corner. Breathing is arbitrary. Perform 6-8 times.
  9. "Traction" spine.
    Exercise carry on his back, with heels are drawn "down", the crown - the "up". We carry 4.3 "traction" for 10-15 seconds.
  10. Resting supine. Diaphragmatic breath. Then turn over on his stomach. The exercises are designed to strengthen different groups of muscles.
  11. Section IV: lying on his stomach, hands at shoulder level, pressed to the floor. At the expense of "1-4" - slide your hands forward along the floor until they straighten and then stretch, the "8.5" - execute curl with palms turning upward, connect the blade at the end of the movement. The chest is pressed against the entire surface of the floor, head up, chin pressed against his neck. Perform 6-8 times.
  12. Lying on his stomach, arms bent. At the expense of "1-2" - to raise his head and shoulders, breath, stand still in this position in the "3-4", at the expense of "5-6" and accept. forth, exhale. Perform the exercise 5-6 times.
  13. Section IV: lying on his stomach, legs straight, his head rests on the back of the palms. Raise the legs and upper body, bending at the waist, arms outstretched, the fulcrum - the stomach. The angle of ascent of hands and feet small. Statically stops in this position for 10-15 seconds. It is advisable not hold your breath. In carrying out this exercise have to take your hips off the floor. Perform 3-4 times.
  14. Exercise "scissors".
    I. Section: lying on his stomach, legs straight, his head rests on the back of the palms. Raise the legs and run skrestnye horizontal kick their feet. In carrying out this exercise have to take your hips off the floor. Air performance is average. Perform 2-3 sets of 30-40 seconds.
  15. Exercise "floating".
    I. Section: lying on his stomach, legs straight, his head rests on the back of the palms. Raise the legs and upper body, bending at the waist, arms outstretched, the fulcrum - the stomach. The angle of ascent of hands and feet small. Hold this position, perform movements that mimic swimming breaststroke: arms forward - the legs to separate the sides, hand in hand - feet together, hands to shoulders, the legs are still together. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.
  16. Section IV: lying on his stomach, arms bent at the elbows, holding dumbbells, feet together. On the count of "1" bit to stretch your head forward and straighten arms forward, lift legs on the "2-3" - bend arms to the shoulders, bend in the thoracic region, the "4" - to its original position. The angle of ascent of hands and feet small. Repeat 6-8 times.
  17. Section IV: lying on his stomach, arms bent, dumbbells in hands, legs parted. To "1" - to raise a body with his hands while pulling on the side of the concavity of thoracic scoliosis up - breath, at the expense of "2-3" - to keep the position, "4" - to its original position - exhale. Perform 4-6 times, keeping the body upright position.
  18. Relax, restore breathing, and turns over on its side.
  19. Section IV: lying on his side, on the side of thoracic scoliosis. Alternately, move the legs straight forward and back. The legs should not touch the floor. Exercise like "scissors." We make it 10-12 times.
  20. Section IV: lying on its side on the side of thoracic scoliosis, legs parted. On the count of "1" to raise his hand to the side of the concavity of the thoracic scoliosis up, inhale on the "2" - the starting position - exhale.
  21. Lie on your left side, under the ankle joints - roller. To "1" - to raise his legs, "2-5" - to hold a pose at the expense of "6" to accept a starting position. Muscles tense, back straight.Perform 4-6 times. Then repeat the exercise on the other side 4-6 times.
  22. Section IV: standing on all fours. On the count of "1" hand on the side of the concavity of the thoracic scoliosis lift and pull forward, "2" - a leg on the side of the concavity of the lumbar scoliosis lift and pull back, "3" - to hold a pose at the "4" - the starting position. Body straight, leg and arm parallel to the floor. Repeat 4-5 times.

The final section

Starting position: standing up.
  1. Walking on his toes, hands up.
  2. Walking on heels, hands behind his back to the castle.
  3. Walking with a high lifting hips and hands forward.
  4. Walking with a "rebounding" legs, hands behind his back.
  5. Starting position: standing at the gym wall.
  6. On the count of "1" - hands up inhale, to the "2" - hands down, exhale.


A set of exercises must be performed daily, at a slow pace. After graduating classes is useful in the rest lying on its side on a padded roller for 15-20 minutes.
In addition to the basic course of exercises doctor should choose for your individual set of exercises with the asymmetric learning methods of their implementation. We deliberately do not give the asymmetrical exercise. Once again, accentuate your attention to the fact that independently develop a set of exercises for themselves and begin to implement them should not, as many movements for scoliosis is contraindicated and can lead to complications.

Causes of Scoliosis

Scoliosis can act as an independent disease, as well as a symptom of other known disease. Intricate combination of causes and effects of symptoms of scoliosis causes significant difficulties in its treatment.
Myopathic scoliosis is caused by lack of muscle and ligaments. The appearance of rachitic scoliosis caused by failure of neuromuscular and skeletal tissue. Rachitic scoliosis is found in children 2 - 3 years. In older children who have had infectious disease characterized by weakness and musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the so-called developing habitual or school scoliosis. Contribute to disease development (not being the cause) of long-term non-uniform load on the spine: sitting at an uncomfortable desk, wearing a portfolio in one hand, etc.
Scoliosis of neurogenic origin arise from polio, neurofibromatosis, syringomyelia, spastic paralysis, sciatica, lyumboishialgii and strain, leading to compression of the roots of spinal nerves.Neurogenic scoliosis are also accompanied by precipitation of the functions of individual groups of muscles and neuro-trophic changes in the spine and ligaments.
Congenital scoliosis caused by dysplastic (dysplasia - abnormal development) changes in the vertebrae and ribs. There are anomalies of the vertebral bodies (wedges, etc), handles and processes, variations in the number of vertebral anomalies are of mixed character. Congenital anomalies are detected in the first year of life, the disease usually progresses slowly. For severe dysplastic scoliosis is scoliosis of the lumbosacral caused by dysplasia, and I V lumbar sacral vertebrae, the scoliosis is found in children aged 8 - 10 years.
The most numerous group consists of idiopathic scoliosis , ie scoliosis of unknown nature. They all have similar clinical and radiological signs. The clinical picture of spinal deformity is expressed in its gradual distortion in the front (side) and sagittal (anteroposterior) planes, and torso (twist). When scoliosis first degree is determined by the weakness of the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle asymmetry, the location of the angles of the blades, lateral curvature of the spine (predominantly in the right thoracic and left - in the lumbar), the presence of the muscular ridge in the lumbar spine occurs as a result of its rotation. When scoliosis second and third degree angles of the blades are asymmetrical, there is a pronounced rib hump, shoulder girdle asymmetry is detected, and their plane does not coincide with the plane of the pelvis; protivoiskrivlenie appears in the lumbar spine and torso a deviation from the vertical axis. When scoliosis fourth degree increase in body length of stops, all of the body is shifted to the main arc of curvature of the spine, thorax strongly deformed, which leads to a shift in the internal organs, especially in severe cases, compression of the spinal cord, growing signs of paresis or even paralysis of the lower extremities.
There are many theories of origin of idiopathic scoliosis, but none of them does not give a full explanation. Anyway, most theories converge on the fact that idiopathic scoliosis is caused by musculo-ligamentous, neuromuscular impairment, or developmental disorders of bone. Some researchers (Farkas, 1954; Kazmin, 1974) believe that the abnormal return of the connective tissue leads to epiphysiolysis (sprout damage epiphyseal cartilage, which is localized in the Rostov area of ​​the bone), which in turn causes displacement of the spinal nucleus pulposus disk, prejudice the development of deformation. We see that the causes of idiopathic scoliosis is likely to lie fairly deep, at the level of tissues and metabolic processes, which explains the lack of effective methods of treatment. In the origin and development of idiopathic scoliosis is important genetic factor. Modern research has noted the high incidence of scoliosis risk in families where there are already sick, not only for the first, but for the second and third degree relatives. For example, if first-degree relatives of the incidence of scoliosis than the average for the population at 10-20.

Classification of scoliosis

Classification of scoliosis is produced in many ways, primarily by the degree of curvature. 
To measure the angle of curvature of the spine on x-rays from two horizontal lines: one for the first vertebra, which begins with a curvature, the other - at last, where the curvature of the ends. Then spend two perpendiculars to these lines and measure the angle between the perpendiculars. This is a curvature in degrees greater than the angle, the greater curvature.
As the degree of deformation scoliosis is divided into 4 groups (by J. Cobb, 1958)
a degree of scoliosisangle of curvature of 10 degrees, the x-ray noticeably slight twisting (torsion)
2 degrees of scoliosisangle of curvature of 10 degrees to 25 degrees, a significant torsional deformation is evident on radiographs of the vertebral bodies at the apex of curvature, a clinically defined muscle spindle
3 degrees of scoliosisangle of curvature of 25 to 40 degrees, chest deformity, the presence of rib hump at the top of the curvature and the surrounding areas are wedge-shaped vertebrae
4 degrees of scoliosisangle of curvature greater than 40 degrees, severe chest deformity, scoliosis kifo-thoracic, anterior and posterior rib hump deformity of the pelvis, severe deformity of the vertebral bodies and vertebral joints, calcification of ligaments

In our country, applied clinical and radiological classification of V.D.Chaklina (1973), which is also 4 strain, but other angles of scoliosis.
Degree of scoliosis Chaklin
a degree of scoliosisangle to 10 degrees of scoliosis, a slight curvature of the spine in the frontal plane, vanishing in the supine position, shoulder blades and upper arm asymmetry in the thoracic and lumbar scoliosis at the waist, the asymmetry of the muscles in the curvature of the arc
2 degrees of scoliosisangle of 11 to 30 degrees, the curvature does not vanish completely in the supine position, a small arc and a small compensatory rib hump
3 degrees of scoliosisangle from 31 to 60 degrees, the presence of compensatory arc, chest deformity, a large rib hump, the deviation in the direction of the main body of the arc of curvature
4 degrees of scoliosisangle of 60 degrees, heavy fixed-kifo scoliosis, a significant deformation of the skeleton, the disruption of the heart and lungs
C-shaped scoliosis
S-shaped scoliosis
In the form of curving scoliosis is: C-shaped (with a single arc of curvature), S-shaped (with two arcs) and sigma-shaped (three arches).
Vertebrae in anatomy and medicine mean reductions in the form of letters (the name of the spine) and the numbers that determine the number of vertebrae in the department. As we shall also use these conventional notations: cervical spine (vertebrae cervicales) - C1 to C7, thoracic (v. thoracicae) - from Th1 to Th12, lumbar (v. lumbales) - L1 to L5, sacral (v. sacrales ) - from S1 to S5.
For localization of curvature scoliosis distinguish the following:
cervico-thoracic scoliosiscurvature at the top of Th3 - Th4
thoracic scoliosisTh8 - Th9
thoracolumbar scoliosisTh11 - Th12
lumbar scoliosisL1 - L2
lumbosacral scoliosisL5 - S1

By the time of manifestation of scoliosis is divided into the following types:
infantile (scoliosis infantilis) - diagnosed in children under 3 years old child , or juvenile (juvenilis) - from 3 to 10 years, youth , or adolescence (adolescentis) - 10 years before the end of skeletal growth, adult scoliosis diagnosed after bone growth (from 18-24 years of age and older).

A classification based on the origin of scoliosis and the proposed Dzh.Kobbom (1958).
1) myopathic and rachitic scoliosis caused by failure of ligaments, the neuro-muscular and bone
2) scoliosis of neurogenic origin, and scoliosis caused by degeneration of the intervertebral disc with subsequent radicular syndromes
3) scoliosis due to congenital anomalies of the vertebrae and ribs
4) scoliosis caused by diseases of the chest
5), idiopathic scoliosis , whose origin is not clear (it is the most extensive group)

Disorders of posture

Posture is an indicator of human health and physical development. Good posture - is prevention of osteochondrosis and various back pain.
With proper posture keeps people straight body and head, shoulders slightly lowered and laid back, and chest - go ahead, belly tucked up at the same time.
Spine - the basis of the human skeleton and its impact on the state of posture. The body is supported in an upright position back muscles, neck and torso. The harmonious development of the muscles of the body - a prerequisite for the formation of a beautiful posture.
The normal curvature of the spine

Physiological curvature of the spine

When a child begins to hold her head up, bend formed bulge forward - cervical lordosis. With increasing load on the spine (when the child begins to walk), there is unspoken curvature of the spine in the thoracic back - thoracic kyphosis, as well as the bending of the lumbar bulge forward - lumbar lordosis.
Thus, when viewed from the side of the spine, marked cervical and lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis and sacral. When viewed from the back of the spine should be straight. In the normal posture bends the spine expressed uniformly.

Types of violations of posture

Abnormal posture is formed due to changes in the state of the muscles and ligaments. It should be noted that incorrect posture is usually not accompanied by changes in the spine.
There are incorrect posture in the frontal plane (parallel to the front of the body surface), sagittal (anteroposterior), and both planes simultaneously.
Types of violations of posture

Scoliotic posture

This curvature of the spine in the frontal plane. For this type of bearing defect characteristic of symmetry breaking between the two halves of the body. The spine is curved, is an arc, which is facing left or right. There is also the asymmetry of the shoulders, shoulder blades and head tilted to one side.
When violations of the lateral curvature of the spine posture is corrected in the supine position and muscle tension, and there is no twisting of the vertebrae around a vertical axis, which is characteristic for scoliosis.

Disorders of posture in the sagittal plane

Such defects of posture associated with an increase or decrease in the physiological curves of the spine.
Round the back, or stoop, associated with increased thoracic kyphosis. The shoulders are raised, the inner edge of the blade behind the chest, and shoulder joints are presented.
Kruglovognutaya spin is characterized by an increase in all the physiological curves of the spine. At the same time raised his shoulders, his head thrust forward, belly hanging down, and even acts.
With a decrease in thoracic kyphosis is observed so-called. flat spin. Marked decrease in the angle of inclination of the pelvis, chest forward biased due to the reduction of kyphosis, the lower part of the stomach protrude.
Ploskovognutaya spin is observed with a decrease in thoracic kyphosis and cervical lordosis flattening. The pelvis is displaced posteriorly, and increased the angle of it. Weakened abdominal muscles and buttocks.

Treatment of postural

For any form of incorrect posture hindered the activity of internal organs develop early damage in the intervertebral discs. In this connection it is necessary to treat the defects of posture, which respond well to correction.
Methods of treating disorders of posture include therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, therapeutic massage, and wearing a posture corrector.

Therapeutic exercise (gymnastics)

LFC - it is an effective method of correcting the defects of posture aimed at strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and spine. A set of exercises develops the doctor, who also sets the dosage of the load, which changes over time. To correct the imbalance of the muscles for stretching exercises include hyperactive muscles and strengthen the feeble. Static exercises are interspersed with dynamic. It creates an intense motor mode in each case, but with the exception of the load on the spine.

Correction of posture

Correction of posture include reklinators, thoracic and thoracolumbar zone offsets. Application reklinators effective for minor violations of posture and weak muscles of the shoulder belt and allow to dissolve and eliminate slouching shoulders, manifested in verhnegrudnom spine. The pectoral girdle (bandages) should be more pronounced in the stoop, as well as violations of posture on the type of scoliosis, which are manifested in the thoracic spine. Thoracolumbar proofreaders combine the effects on the area of ​​thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis - throughout the spinal column. The application is recommended for violations of any degree posture, scoliosis and kyphosis I-II degree. Selection of Posture Corrector performs orthopedic surgeon, taking into account the patient's age and severity of the pathological process.

The structure of the spine

The spine is made ​​up of people 33 - 34 vertebrae, which are connected by joints, ligaments and intervertebral discs. 6 - 9 fused vertebrae forming the sacrum and coccyx. There are five parts of the spine: cervical, consisting of seven vertebrae, rib - 12, lumbar - of 5, sacral - 5 and coccyx, consisting of 4 - 5 vertebrae.
Vertebra consists of a body facing anteriorly and connected with it arc vertebra. The body and vertebral arch vertebral restrict the opening.Vertebrates make holes all the vertebrae the spinal canal, which houses the spinal cord. From the spinal cord through the spinal nerves leave the hole. From the arch of each vertebra depart to 7 branches. In the pair of directed transverse processes. Each vertebra is connected to the upper and lower adjacent vertebrae by means of two lower and two upper articular processes. From the middle of the arc to the rear unpaired spinous process. In various parts of the spine spinous processes have their own characteristics. In the cervical region they are short, spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra is longer than the others and is easily detectable under the skin. In the thoracic spinous processes of the longest and are directed downwards, in the lumbar region they are wide and laid back. The dimensions of the vertebral bodies depend on the magnitude of the burden on them, they are the lowest in the cervical region and the largest in the lumbar. top two cervical vertebrae are used for articulation with the skull and have significant differences in the structure. On the body and transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae are edge pits for articulation with the ribs. Sacrum consists of five sacral vertebrae, which in 20 years' fused into one bone that attaches to the spine of particular strength.
Intervertebral disc
The vertebrae are interconnected by means of inter ¬ vertebrate cartilage, ligaments and joints. Vertebral bodies are connected by cartilaginousintervertebral discs . Each of them consists of an outer fibrous ring and the inner nucleus pulposus. The total height of these disks is a quarter of the entire length of the spine. Interestingly, during the day gelatinous nucleus loses fluid, cartilage and intervertebral flatten ¬ Xia. As a result, man is the evening of 2 cm shorter than in the morning, the same thing occurs with prolonged ¬ load on the spine.
Along the entire length of the spine vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs are connected with long anterior and posterior longitudinal ligament.Above the tops of the spinous processes along the entire length is spinous ligament. In addition, the arc, transverse and spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae are connected by short ligaments. 
  Human spine

Human spine has several natural curves. curve, convexity ago, called kyphosis, the curve, convexity forward - lordosis. The man has two kyphosis (thoracic and sacral), and two lordosis (cervical and lumbar). In addition, the spine is normal can have a lateral bending (scoliosis), which appears due to the varying length of the lower limbs and the development of different muscles on different sides of the body. This scoliosis should not be confused with scoliosis as a disease, it can be attributed to violations of posture. Curves of the spine provide mitigation of shocks and tremors of the body when running and walking. Despite the low mobility of the intervertebral joints, the spine on the whole quite mobile, especially the lumbar region.
In the spinal canal is the spinal cord . At the top it goes to the brain, and the bottom ends with special reference to the level of the 2nd lumbar vertebra. Through the spinal cord central canal is filled with cerebrospinal fluid.
The spinal cord consists of 31 - 33 segments, each of which has two pairs of nerve roots: anterior (motor), by which impulses from the cells of the spinal cord are transmitted to the periphery (to the skeletal muscles, the muscles of blood vessels, internal organs), and posterior (sensory) by which impulses from the receptors of the skin, muscles, internal organs are passed into the spinal cord. The anterior and posterior roots on each side of the spinal cord, connecting with each other to form 31 mixed pair of spinal nerves. The spinal cord is involved in most of the reflex reactions of the organism, the most complex spinal reflex reactions are controlled by the brain.
For a complete familiarity with the structure of the spine look muscular system, limiting brief analysis of the back muscles.
All human skeletal muscles are composed of so-called striated muscle tissue, the reduction of these muscles occurs randomly. The simplest form of the muscle is fusiform shape. The middle part is called the belly muscles, at both ends of the muscle goes into a tendon which is attached to the bones, reducing the muscle is shortened, and the attachment points closer to each other.
Muscles engaged in opposing the action, called antagonists, such as the forearm flexor and extensor (respectively, the biceps and triceps). To carry out any movement always requires teamwork antagonist muscle for complex movements require the work of an entire group of muscles.There are long, wide and short muscles. Long muscles are located mainly on the limbs, where a large amount of movement. Short muscles especially a lot of deep back muscles. Chi ¬ rokie muscles located in the area of ​​the body: chest, abdomen and back. 
  Back muscles

Back muscles are divided into superficial and deep. To the superficial muscles include trapezius, latissimus, rhomboid major and minor, muscle lifting the shoulder blade, upper and lower posterior serratus. Trapezius muscle starts from the occipital bone and the spinous processes of all thoracic vertebrae, is attached to the keys ¬ Tse and shoulder blade. The upper part of the muscle raises the shoulder blade, lower - it lowers the average of the blade closer to the spine. Latissimus dorsi muscle comes from the spinous processes of lower six thoracic and all the vertebrae are ¬ ary, on the iliac crest and attaches to the humerus. The muscle pulls the shoulder and arm back while rotating it inward. Rhomboids pick up shovel, bring it closer to the midline. The upper posterior serratus raised edges, the bottom drops them, ensuring the participation in the act of inspiration.
The deep back muscles form a two tract - lateral and medial, ¬ nye located on either side near the spine along its entire length from the occiput to the sacrum. Lateral tract ¬ General will make more than superficial long muscles that make up muscle, spinal straightening ¬ nick. The muscles of the medial tract (cross-awned) lie deeper than others, they represent a group of short muscle bundles, and burn through the vertebrae. In the back of the neck over the two paths is re ¬ mennaya muscle head and neck.
In addition to these muscles, forming the back part of the abdominal wall square loin muscle, which relates to the anatomy of the abdominal muscles.
Scoliosis affects other elements of the musculoskeletal system, which remained outside of this description: the clavicle and scapula, chest and ribs, pelvic area.